“Overlord Indie Podcast Award Winner - Live Podcaster of the Year 2023 – The Old Man’s Podcast”
Nov. 17, 2023

#950 - Friday Free-4-All!!!!

#950 - Friday Free-4-All!!!!

Boy was it ever a Free-For-All in the real sense of the term: A free-for-all is a situation in which several people or groups are fighting to gain control of the task at hand with no rules of engagement and open to all comers! YEP, that was us!!!!

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The Old Man’s Podcast

Boy was it ever a Free-For-All in the real sense of the term: A free-for-all is a situation in which several people or groups are fighting to gain control of the task at hand with no rules of engagement and open to all comers! YEP, that was us!!!!

We had a GREAT Time with everyone who joined in, AWESOME!!!in

The WINNER of the November Trivia Contest was, PAUL GUNN!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

Alright, that's the end of show 2 of 3 for a Friday. Join us tonight at 7pm pst / 10pm eastern for show #3, TOM After Dark!! The Crazy continues!!!

Later Gators!!!


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Roaming the Road (of Life): https://www.shondasinclair.com/


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Intro and closing Music is “Biff” by “The Huntertones” from their CD Titled “ENGINE CO.” Check out this and their other CD’s available on their webpage www.huntertones.com , These Cats can play!!!!